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Nonoperative treatment of PCL injury
Nonoperative Treatment of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
D’Amato, Bach
Phase 1
Days 1–7
Range of motion (ROM) 0–60 degrees.
Weightbearing with two crutches.
Electrical muscle stimulation to quadriceps.
Quadriceps sets.
Straight leg raise (SLR).
Hip adduction and abduction.
Mini-squats/leg press (0–45 degrees).
Weeks 2–3
ROM 0–60 degrees.
Weightbearing without crutches.
Progress exercises using weights.
Bike (week 3) for ROM.
Pool program
Leg press (0–60 degrees).
Phase 2
Week 3
ROM to tolerance.
Discontinue brace.
Bike, Stairmaster, rowing.
Progress exercises with weights.
Mini-squat (0–60 degrees).
Leg press (0–60 degrees).
Hip abduction and adduction.
Toe-calf raises.
Weeks 5–6
Continue all exercises.
Fit functional brace.
Pool running.
Phase 3
Weeks 8–12
Begin running program.
Continue all strengthening exercises.
Gradual return to sports activities.
Criteria to return to sports:
No change in laxity.
No pain, tenderness, or swelling.
Satisfactory clinical examination.
Functional testing 85% of contralateral knee.
Quadriceps strength 85% of contralateral knee.