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Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair-medium
Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair Protocol: Medium to Large Tear Size
This protocol was developed to provide the rehabilitation professional with a guideline of postoperative rehabilitation course for a patient who has undergone an arthroscopic medium to large size rotator cuff tear repair. It should be stressed that this is only a protocol and should not be a substitute for clinical decision making regarding a patient’s progression.
Actual progression should be individualized based upon your patient’s physical examination, individual progress, and the presence of any postoperative complications. The rate limiting factor in arthroscopic rotator cuff repair is the biologic healing of the cuff tendon to the humerus, which is thought to be a minimum of 8 to 12 weeks.
Progression of AROM against gravity and duration of sling use is predicated both on the size of tear and quality of tissue and should be guided by referring physician. Refer to initial therapy referral for any specific instructions.
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Phase I: Immediate Post Surgical Phase (Weeks 0–6)
Phase I
Maintain/protect integrity of repair
Gradually increase passive range of motion (PROM)
Diminish pain and inflammation
Prevent muscular inhibition
Independence in modified activities of daily living
No active range of motion (AROM) of shoulder
No lifting of objects, reaching behind back, excessive stretching, or sudden movements
Maintain arm in brace, sling; remove only for exercise
Sling use for 6 weeks; medium to large tear size
No support of body weight by hands
Keep incisions clean and dry
Use of abduction brace/sling (during sleep also); remove only for exercise
Passive pendulum exercises (three times a day minimum)
Finger, wrist, and elbow AROM (three times a day minimum)
Gripping exercises (putty, handball)
Cervical spine AROM
Passive shoulder (PROM) done supine for more patient relaxation
Flexion to 110 degrees
External rotation/internal rotation (ER/IR) in scapular plane < 30 degrees
Educate patient on posture, joint protection, importance of brace/sling, pain medication use early, hygiene
Cryotherapy for pain and inflammation
Days 1 to 3: as much as possible (20 minutes/hour)
Days 4 to 7: postactivity or as needed for pain
DAYS 7 TO 42
Continue use of abduction sling/brace until the end of week 6
Pendulum exercises
Begin PROM to tolerance (supine and pain free)
May use heat prior to ROM
Flexion to tolerance
Continue elbow, hand, forearm, wrist, and finger AROM
Begin resisted isometrics/isotonics for elbow, hand, forearm, wrist, and fingers
Begin scapula muscle isometrics/sets, AROM
Cryotherapy as needed for pain control and inflammation
May begin gentle general conditioning program (walking, stationary bike) with caution if unstable from pain medications
No running or jogging
Aquatherapy may begin approximately 6 weeks postoperatively if wounds healed
Passive forward flexion to ? 125 degrees
Passive ER in scapular plane to ?60 degrees (if uninvolved shoulder PROM > 80 degrees)
Passive IR in scapular plane to ?60 degrees (if uninvolved shoulder PROM > 80 degrees)
Passive abduction in scapular plane to ? 90 degrees
No passive pulley exercise
Phase II: Protection and Protected Active Motion Phase (Weeks 7–12)
Phase II
Allow healing of soft tissue
Do not overstress healing soft tissue
Gradually restore full passive ROM (approximately week 8)
Decrease pain and inflammation
No lifting
No supported full body weight with hands or arms
No sudden jerking motions
No excessive behind back motions
No bike or upper extremity ergometer until week 8
Continue with full time use of sling/brace until end of week 6
Continue periscapular exercises
Gradually wean from brace starting several hours a day out progressing as tolerated
Use brace sling for comfort only until full DC by end of week 7
Initiate AAROM shoulder flexion from supine position weeks 6 to 7
Progressive PROM until full PROM by week 8 (should be pain free)
May require use of heat prior to ROM exercises/joint mobilization
Can begin passive pulley use
May require gentle GH or scapular joint mobilization as indicated to obtain full unrestricted ROM
Initiate prone rowing to a neutral arm position
Continue cryotherapy as needed post-therapy or -exercise
Continue AROM, AAROM, and stretching as needed
Begin IR stretching, shoulder extension, and cross body, sleeper stretch to mobilize posterior capsule (if needed)
Begin gentle rotator cuff submaximal isometrics (weeks 7–8)
Begin glenohumeral submaximal rhythmic stabilization exercises in “balance position (90–100 degrees of elevation) in supine position to initiate dynamic stabilization
Continue periscapular exercises progressing to manual resistance to all planes
Seated press-ups
Initiate AROM exercises (flexion, scapular plane, abduction, ER, IR); should be pain free; low weight; initially only weight of arm
Do not allow shrug during AROM exercises
If shrug exists continue to work on cuff and do not reach/lift AROM over 90-degree elevation
Initiate limited strengthening program
*Remember rotator cuff (RTC) and scapular muscles small and need endurance more than pure strength
ER and IR with exercise bands/sport cord/tubing
ER isotonic exercises in side lying (low-weight, high-repetition) may simply start with weight of arm
Elbow flexion and extension isotonics
Phase III: Early Strengthening (Weeks 12–18)
Phase III
Full AROM (weeks 12–14)
Maintain full PROM
Dynamic shoulder stability (GH and ST)
Gradual restoration of GH and scapular strength, power, and endurance
Optimize neuromuscular control
Gradual return to functional activities
No lifting objects >5lbs, no sudden lifting or pushing
Exercise should not be painful
Continue stretching, joint mobilization, and PROM exercises as needed
Continue periscapular exercises
Dynamic strengthening exercises
Initiate strengthening program
Continue exercises as in weeks 7 to 12
Scapular plane elevation to 90 degrees (patient must be able to elevate arm without shoulder or scapular hiking before initiating isotonic exercises. If unable then continue cuff/scapular exercises)
Full can (no empty can abduction exercises)
Prone rowing
Prone extension
Prone horizontal abduction
Continue all exercise listed
May begin BodyBlade, Flexbar, Boing below 45 degrees
Begin light isometrics in 90/90 or higher supine, PNF D2 flexion/extension patterns against light manual resistance
Initiate light functional activities as tolerated
Continue all exercises listed
Progress to fundamental exercises (bench press, shoulder press)
Initiate low level plyometrics (two-handed, below chest level, progressing to overhead and finally one-handed drills)
Ability to tolerate progression to low-level functional activities
Demonstrate return of strength/dynamic shoulder stability
Reestablishment of dynamic shoulder stability
Demonstrated adequate strength and dynamic stability for progression to more demanding work and sport-specific activities
Phase IV: Advanced Strengthening Phases (Weeks 18–24)
Phase IV
Maintain full nonpainful AROM
Advanced conditioning exercise for enhanced functional and sports specific use
Improve muscular strength, power, and endurance
Gradual return to all functional activities
Continue ROM and self-capsular stretching for ROM maintenance
Continue periscapular exercises
Continue progressive strengthening
Advanced proprioceptive, neuromuscular activities
Light isotonic strengthening in 90/90 position
Initiation of light sports (golf chipping/putting, tennis ground strokes) if satisfactory clinical examination
Continue strengthening and stretching
Continue joint mobilization and stretching if motion is tight
Initiate interval sports program (e.g., golf, doubles tennis) if appropriate